I have been kicked out by an 8 year "friend" so she can make more money off of the house. She didn't care if I didn't have anywhere to go in the city I lived in...and that I would have to quit my jobs and move in with my parents in a different city! I worked 2 part time jobs to pay the bills on my own! I have been looking for a job since I moved and got hired for 1 part time job and after my first week of training they have cut my hours to 3 hours a week! Who can live on that?

Therefore, I need your help. I need to sell some of my photography and other creations! I am trying anything I can to make money so I can simply pay my bills! If any of the ads interest you please click them... that helps me too!

Thank you for reading! God bless you!

Please check out my shops and help me out if you can!

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